Sunday, December 23, 2007


I just don't have much to say this year. Sometimes I just like things and don't care to analyze why, you get me?

25) Gruff Rhys - Candylion

It seems like this got a week of blog-buzz and then fell off the face of the earth. Cute, fun enough to listen to, etc.

24) Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?

At some point this year, Michael mentioned that with every album, oM moves farther and farther away from him (or something. Sorry I didn't mentally catalog that one better, d00). I'm inclined to agree, but I can't lie-- I still really like this album, except for "Faberge Falls for Shuggie" and "Labyrinthian Pomp," which I've disliked from the start, despite efforts to warm up to them.
Sometimes you're jazzed up on whatever-it-is and writing paper after paper and you're listening to this through headphones while nobody else has any idea why you're acting so god-damned victorious. Unreal.

23) Black Lips - Good Bad Not Evil

To be heard at 2 a.m. in a dimly-lit studio. Which decade am I even living in?

22) The Silver Seas - High Society

Poppy (but not very poppy), coherent, in tune, great driving music for a sunny day.

Favorite tracks: "The Country Life," "Catch Yer Own Train"

21) Muscles - Guns Babes Lemonade

I'm mostly terribly in love with this.

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